Today I’m going to write about my favorite hobby: watching anime.
When I was a child I liked so much to watch TV, in especial to watch cartoons. Cartoons were my life! I always remember the time when I didn’t go to school and when I watched TV all day, and everyday. I can remember some examples like Dragon Ball, Ranma ½, Doraemon, Saint Seiya, or some examples older, like Angel, Remi,Marco, Heidi. I remember too others cartoons like Los Picapiedras, Los Supersonicos or Tom & Jerry. Then, when I was older I began to watch anime and that is my favorite hobby at present.
I began to watch anime five years ago and the first one that I watched was Naruto. Then I watched Bleach, One Piece, Code Geass and a lot of them. The best anime that I have watched is Code Geass, but I think that it isn’t the only one; I liked so much Death Note too.
Watching anime is my favorite hobby and I think that is the best. When I am in my house and I haven’t more things to do I always watch anime. It is not very difficult to do, all I have to do is to download the anime and watch it. I always use the website of MCanime (http://www.mcanime.net). In that website I always find what I searching for.