jueves, 27 de mayo de 2010


Today I’m going to write about my favorite hobby: watching anime.
When I was a child I liked so much to watch TV, in especial to watch cartoons. Cartoons were my life! I always remember the time when I didn’t go to school and when I watched TV all day, and everyday. I can remember some examples like Dragon Ball, Ranma ½, Doraemon, Saint Seiya, or some examples older, like Angel, Remi,Marco, Heidi. I remember too others cartoons like Los Picapiedras, Los Supersonicos or Tom & Jerry. Then, when I was older I began to watch anime and that is my favorite hobby at present.
I began to watch anime five years ago and the first one that I watched was Naruto. Then I watched Bleach, One Piece, Code Geass and a lot of them. The best anime that I have watched is Code Geass, but I think that it isn’t the only one; I liked so much Death Note too.
Watching anime is my favorite hobby and I think that is the best. When I am in my house and I haven’t more things to do I always watch anime. It is not very difficult to do, all I have to do is to download the anime and watch it. I always use the website of MCanime (
http://www.mcanime.net). In that website I always find what I searching for.

In tribute to Ulquiorra Schiffer: 2001-2010

jueves, 20 de mayo de 2010

My Cell Phone

My favorite technologic object is the cell phone, because it is very comfortable. With my cell phone I can call my family, my friends or other people. The cell phone is an amazing creation, because I can play with its games or take a lot of photos. In other words, the cell phone is like a photographic camera or like a videogame, but both in the same little machine. You can keep files in different folders. Also you can ingress to Internet and check your mail.
In our days, cell phones are smaller than before; you can carry them in your pocket and you can find them in different models, in different colors and with a lot of different characteristics.
The OMS has discovered that cell phones don’t produce cancer. This is very important, because now you know that using cell phones don’t entail a deterioration of your health.
An advantage of the cell phones is that you can call to others in every moment or in everywhere. And you can find to others persons in the place where they are, for example: in the church, in the bus, in the university, in the cinema or in other country.
I get my first cell phone two years ago and now I got other one. I use it for listen music, for take photos and for keep archives. I use the cell phone everyday. I can’t imagine a world without cell phones.
The cell phone is a thing that includes a lot of different technologic objects. That is the main cause why I choose it like my favorite technologic object.

jueves, 13 de mayo de 2010

Soraya Montenegro the best actress forever!

I like so much this soap opera, especially a character called Soraya Montenegro. She is a really bad woman and she makes suffering to his crippled stepdaughter (Alicia).
The plot of this soap opera is about the romance between María (the protagonist) and Luis Fernando. Soraya try to interfere in this romance, but María get married with Luis Fernando and the Soraya’s plans didn’t work.
I decided to write about this soap opera because my favorite actress works here. She is Itatí Cantoral, but in the soap opera her name is Soraya Montenegro. She works with a lot of actors, but I think that she is the best of all. There are a lot of moments in the soap opera that I like, for example when Soraya falls from a fourth floor, or when she hits a Calixta (her maid), or when she tortures to her stepdaughter with tarantulas, or when she says “What are you doing kissing to the crippled woman” to Nandito (the boyfriend of her stepdaughter).
Soraya makes me laugh, because she is so funny and her performance in the soap opera is amazing.
I think that Soraya would be the protagonist of this soap opera, because she is the best.

here I leave some scenes of Soraya if you want to see her:





sábado, 8 de mayo de 2010

Carl Rogers

Carl Ransom Rogers was born on January 8, 1902 in United States. He studied agriculture, history and religion. Between 1945 and 1957 he was professor of psychology at the University of Chicago. When he was 55 years old, he became the first president of the American Academy of Psychotherapists. Rogers' theory is very extensive. He wrote 16 books and a lot of articles describing it.
Carl Rogers is the precursor of the client-centered therapy and it is a very important contribution in the psychology. His theory is known too like Person-Centered Approach (PCA). A thing very important in PCA is the empathy. This empathy must to be present in the relation between the patient and the psychologist.
I like the Carl Rogers' theory because I think that it is true, the empathy is a thing very important in the therapy and in all the humans relations. Also, I think that the PCA is the true way of the therapy.
I think that the Rogers' contribution is very very important and it must to be studied for the present psychologist and for the future generations.