Money is very important in the world; Money gives you the opportunity to study in a good school, to study in the University, to have good clothes, to live in a good neighborhood, to travel to far countries, etc.
There are different types of money, for example: the coins, the bills, the checks or the plastic money (credit cards). The most usual kinds of money are the coins or the bills; you can see children with them, buying candies or cookies. Only adults can have checks or credit cards, because they have accounts in the banks and jobs with a salary.
I would like to be wealthy, because I think that is a very funny way of life. I would like to win the lottery or to inherit a lot of money. When I was a child I always watched the Donald Duck’s rich uncle in the TV and I always wanted to be like him. I also watched the movie called Richie Rich and I wanted to be rich and to have a mansion with an amusement park and a water park in the courtyard.
I would like to be rich and to have a big mansion, a lot of cars, a lot of clothes, the latest video games, a big room, the fastest PC, a lot of servants, a lot of yachts, a lot of jet skies, a lot of snowmobiles, a lot of motorbikes and a lot of houses on the beach, in the mountain and in the country.